In this course, we are given the options for a major design project. The options included the design of; a granite sculpture, a student residence, foundation for a 5-storey building, and a green roof. I was tasked with the design of a foundation for a 5-storey building. The final design is displayed in the image below.

This course came with many challenges that were later solved thanks to lessons learned in lectures and tutorials for ENG 2003. With the design of the foundation, multiple reports were also required. This posed especially difficult since the professor did not provide us with an outline of the proper format to write a technical report. The lack of information resulted in a grade of 50.5% in the first report. What was most frustrating was that majority of the marks taken off of our report was due to poor formatting. I did not feel as bad after hearing that the average for the report through all the groups was just under 60%. To add insult to injury, the professor told the class to take this a learning curve.

A revised interim report was to then be submitted after fixing all the mistakes in the previous report. Again, no proper format was provided y the professor. But thankfully, we had just learned the proper way to write technical reports in ENG 2003. Even though we did not receive our marks back for the interim report yet, the TA had informed us that this time around was a major improvement from the last report. Without the lessons learned from ENG 2003, I believe we would have made the same mistakes in writing a technical report in an improper format.

In terms of writing properly formatted technical reports, this was my best work. Since this was just my first time writing a properly formatted technical report, outside of ENG 2003, this has to be my best work. This entire project was basically a 20 page research report. Thanks to ENG 2003, we fixed my mistake in the first report, and made an exceptional one the next time. We still have a final report to do, and I am certain that that report will be even better.

The following link allows access to the report mentioned above.


This was ENG 2003 assignment # 1. This assignment asked for the students to create a poster based on an engineering topic. This engineering topic that was chosen was to be related to each student’s specialization. In my case, I chose the topic of red mud. I have made many posters in my academic career. But after attending the lectures on how to make an effective poster, looking back, the posters I have made previously are complete garbage.

There are a lot of things about posters that I have learned throughout the term in ENG 2003. This includes that the poster must be appropriate for the intended graphic audience. In my case, the intended audience for the poster was other second year engineering students. I had to make sure to include enough information so that the mechanical engineers could understand. But not so much information that the other civil engineers do not get bored reading it. The poster must also be pleasing to the eye. I have recently learned that darker, more soothing colour tones are easier on the eyes than brighter tones. This helped to increase the effectiveness of the poster. Learning all these new techniques and rules on how to create an effective poster has helped me to create the best poster I have made to date.

The following link allows access to the assignment mentioned above.


This was ENG 2003 assignment # 4. This assignment asked for students to create a technical report on an engineering topic. I chose to go with the same topic as in Assignment # 1. This was the first time truly creating a properly formatted technical report. This will definitely help in the progression in my education to become a civil engineer. At the time of creating this report, this would probably be my best attempt at writing a technical report. As mentioned earlier, I truly believe that the report above is the only report better than this one.

The following link allows access to the assignment mentioned above.


This was ENG 2003 assignment # 8. This assignment asked for a group of students to create an effective presentation based on one of the group members’ technical reports. I have created and presented multiple presentations in my educational career. All of which I never made much of an effort to understand the intended audience. In lectures, I have learned that in order to effectively communicate information, one must understand their intended demographic.

The main thing we learned about making an effective presentation lies in the layout of the slides. In engineering, there are a lot of concepts and information to convey to the audience when presenting. In the slides, it is easier for people to stay focused on the presentation with a darker background. Other things that help include little to no information in slides, and avoid bullet points. The most effective layout for slides is a single sentence entailing the main topic and a large picture. Then base your ideas off that one main topic sentence. After learning all these techniques to make an effective presentation, I truly believe that this was the best presentation I have made.

The following link allows access to the assignment mentioned above.